When Does a Boy become a Man? #shorts

2 years ago

When David Arms was young his father's absence and lack of involvement leaves him unsure of his manhood. As a father he decided to do something different with his sons. A new tradition is born, and lives are changed. We take a look into what we have lost from times gone by and what we might should reinstate from the eyes of a Father and Son.

"It's every father's responsibility to tell his son at the appropriate age: 'Son, I just want you to know I no longer consider you to be a boy, but in my eyes, I see you as a man now. And that if every father in this country did that for their sons, then this country and this world would be a much better place because boys would not need to prove their manhood to anybody else.'" – Steven Arms

When does a boy become a man? Have we lost an all important element in social structure? Is this why so many young men refuse to step into being Men?

Taken from So4E07 of The Fallible Man Podcast with guest, Author Steven Arms "Is a Christian Rite of Passage a GOOD Idea for Boys?"

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