FTC Overreaches on Noncompetes; NCLA & CVAF Ask VA to Amend Reg Denying Benefits to Disabled Vets

2 years ago

FTC Overreaches on Noncompete Contracts

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has recently proposed a new rule that would ban employers from issuing noncompete agreements on their workers. The proposed rule would suppress wages, hinder innovation, and block entrepreneurs from starting businesses.

Vec criticizes FTC overreach on noncompete contracts.

NCLA and CVAF Ask Dept. of Veterans Affairs to Amend Regulation Denying Benefits to Disabled Vets

NCLA and Concerned Veterans for America Foundation have filed a petition asking the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to amend its controversial regulation regarding the payment of benefits to veterans who have been deemed eligible for disability benefits but who later return temporarily to active duty. The current regulation denies many disabled veterans the benefits to which federal law entitles them.

Mark describes NCLA’s petition on behalf of veterans to the Department of Veterans Affairs.

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