Becoming Like Smooth Stones | AS BOLD AS LIONS DEVOTIONAL | February 13, 2023

2 years ago

Becoming Like Smooth Stones | AS BOLD AS LIONS DEVOTIONAL | February 13, 2023

And I am sure of this, that He Who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6

I have a small rock on my desk in my office. I took it from the shoreline of Lake Superior near Duluth, Minnesota while I was up visiting family a few summers ago. Along the shore are literally thousands of these stones; washed and made smooth over time by the repetitive crashing of the waves and elements of nature. They make for great skipping; my children spent a good half hour picking them up and glancing them off the surface of the lake. I took one as a reminder to remember home, my family, and a trip that was much needed for all of us.

When I look at this stone on my desk, I am reminded that we all come to the Lord in a similar way. We have our jagged edges, our cracks, and our flaws. But over time as we trust Him, we start to see the edges smoothed out. We are not as rough as we once were. We can look back over the years and see certain parts of our “appearance” have changed, spiritually-speaking. And we know our very mindsets and thought patterns are not what they once were. I share today’s devotional just as a reminder: we are all works in progress; constantly in a state of sanctification and transformation. Don’t let where you are hold you back from where God is taking you. He started this work. He will complete it.

Question for today: How have I seen God transform my life over the time I first came to Jesus and now?

Pray: Lord thank You that the work you are doing me is good and that you will one day bring it to completion.

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