Jesus has had enough with the phony church people and pastors and wicked

2 years ago

God has had enough with the wicked, false pastors not preaching God word at all, false church members that go to dead churches and act like they are all ok but really are just dead and white washed tombs, Jesus said come and follow Me and dead churches that allow sodomites inside, abortion murderers, wear masks and vaccines are not a church but a shrine of Satan and God hates it, the wicked will all suffer God wrath in the tribulation period and the great white throne judgement, God sent Jesus to die a terrible death and the wicked mock Jesus death on the cross, sodomites do and even took the rainbow God gave Noah for their wicked deeds, you can't hide from God at all and after the rapture happens then the 7 year tribulation begins, the antichrist will waste no time taking over the entire world and saying he is the messiah, he will make a treaty with Israel and will sit in the third temple in Jerusalem, America will be out of the way and destroyed, the antichrist has no need for America at all, his eye will be on Israel and will rule in Jerusalem and many will bow down to the antichrist, they are already doing it with getting the vaccines and wearing masks, next they will get the microchip put in them, the tribulation is called day of the Lord, Jacob wrath, it is to punish the Jews for rejecting Jesus and to get them to come back to God, to get all the phony lukewarm church crowd and pastors to decide between Jesus or the antichrist and to punish the wicked and those who worship the antichrist, it will be hell on earth and God will be cleaning house and not nicely either

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