YahYel Sassani Hybrids

1 year ago

Extraterrestrial contact with YAHYEL, meeting hybrid children, telepathy and sex in astral, DNA genetic extraction, YAHYEL crafts and ships, history and origin of Zeta Reticuli's creation of Hybrid Programs and creation of YahYel, Essessani, Sassani, Shakani, Eshakani, PlahYel as well as authentic channeled messages and meetings in the Astral.

​Welcome to the official CANADIAN AWARENESS™ Channel !

​​Anthony of is a THETA TAURI Reptilian contactee & channeler, as well as Alpha Draconian contactee, providing interstellar intelligence on rare Reptilian consciousness & contact, ancient civilizations and UFOlogy, spirituality and channeling, along with disclosure of fake galactic federations, human Ai hijackings and standard industry hoaxes and psyops.

Over the years, Anthony has had the pleasure of interacting, communicating, cocreating and experiencing Reptilian races from the Theta Tauri, Bootes, Teoto, Rigel, Parallel 33, Capella, and the Alpha Draconian Empire including DeMonGa, Ciakar and Kalask.

Having completed ceremonial Astral programs and initiation processes with an alliance of 5th and 6th density Reptilian & Draconian races, Anthony proudly shares his prideful ambassadorship and partnership with the Theta Tauri Reptilian race as well as their tutoring's and teachings on a variety of important galactic, interstellar, cosmic, celestial, Ai and human incarnation subjects.

He is a proud speaker on the subjects of ET ED contact, professional channeling and the current involvement of other off-planet species with humanity. He is known for his boldness, uniqueness, full transparency & deep diving into some of the most unique interstellar fields and topics.

He proudly holds a recognized position in the professional channeling industry as a outspoken Theta Tauri Reptilian channeler and speaker who always provides actionable insights and authentic interstellar intelligence to help people surpass their limits – both personally and socially imposed – and the limiting beliefs and illusions stemming from internet based misinformation, disinformation, propaganda and partial truths.

He is commonly known as a speaker who covers topics of Reptilian ET ED consciousness, secrets of human incarnation and spirituality, galactic and celestial intelligence, along with standard human emotions, weaknesses, resistances, programming and conditions including hidden truths about some of the world’s most mysterious phenomena.

His conversations go far beyond the boring and standard spiritual “5D-Love-Light-Unicorn-Rainbow” conversations done by industry ego maniacs and amateurs addicted to escaping reality and stealing human thought form.

Anthony offers 1-on-1 coaching & training - please visit: www.canadianawareness.ca

Official speaker of the 2022 UFO Mega Conference in Las Vegas, NV.


Twitter: @CanAwareness
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#CanadianAwareness #ThetaTauri #AlphaDraconian #Kalask

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