This is No UFO or ALIEN, but they could look like this... #Alien #ET #Disclosure 👉👉👉 Follow me

2 years ago

What is it??
The queen of camouflage! (read more in the post description below...)

Proof: The grasshopper Lichen Katydid (Markia Hystrix) from South America
Credit Video: María Antonietha Chacón.

It has an appearance with which she can base herself on the bodies of the trees in which she is hiding.

Is this part of one of the on-going 22 genetic programs all over the Earth?? What are those?? Read more below...

There are 67 Million Planets in our Milkyway Galaxy with Humans like us.

There is a SUPER FEDERATION COUNCIL which consists of 40 human like EBEs who have been running 22 genetic programs all over the Earth for a few million years now. Read more...

Aliens/EBEs have been here and are active for a few billion years now... each and every species and microbial entities have been created by them... there is something called Domain which is or was responsible to give our contracts to various Earth like planets from different galaxies to populate earth with various species... animals, birds, aquatic life, insects and microbial world... they were
created as per the habitat and geographic conditions... all the species that you see all around us including the humans... it costed them a lot of time, energy and resources and one species (genetic specimen) feeding on other caused a lot of conflicts among those EBE races... i.e. the specimens/experiments were getting jeopardized as they were destroying and feeding on each other... as these
genetic experiments were very expensive from resources perspective, so all the projects had to genetically reprogram their specimens to follow a mutually agreed on food chain and the hierarchy or the animal kingdom...

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