5G Nanochips found in a Moderna sample studied under 1000x magnification

1 year ago

You can clearly see the grid pattern specific to nanotech.
Also the scientist discovered that the predominant elements are carbon and oxygen, carbon based "lifeforms" which are actually self assembling machines.
The nanochips are somehow staying inside a carbon based structure. All this climate agenda talks about Carbon is to confuse and disguise the real carbon growth and amplification which is places inside our bodies.
It is a plan that NWO made as a continuation for the covid vaccines, to confuse the real purpose of the vaccines and made people talk about the carbon in the atmosphere and miss out on the real probleme, not the carbon that is outside but the carbon forms placed INSIDE, inside our bodies. Mindblowing.
You can neutralise the EMF and 5G radiation from mobile devices and detox from heavy metals, learn more here: https://dq271.isrefer.com/go/AultHome/AUL651
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