NEXT: Unvaxxed condemned for negligence: Blood on their hands for not warning others of vaxx risks

2 years ago

A new article condemns the unvaxxed for not doing enough to warn their fellow humans of known and potential vaccine risks.

It seems to be a parody of another article and would be right at home on the satirical website of The Babylon Bee.

The article's message fits perfectly with the patterns of the past years.

First of all, dissidents have been viciously condemned, ridiculed, insulted and excluded this whole time.

The so-called anti-vaxxers have been condemned for endangering public health by spreading so-called medical misinformation, thereby causing vaccine hesitancy.

Next, they are likely to be condemned for spreading too little so-called misinformation and not causing enough vaccine hesitancy.

Second of all, the victim mindset is common nowadays. In this dysfunctional mindset, others are not only blamed for causing all your problems, but are also expected to solve all of them. The individual feels or takes no responsibility for preventing and solving their own problems. It's always someone else's fault and responsibility.

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