Secret US Base & Operations on the Moon

2 years ago

Trillion of unaccounted for $$$ missing from Housing & DOD which was going towards black budget programs. The report that UR destroyed about a secret US base on the moon. It was there until Russia destroyed it.

Also interview excerpt by Colonel Ross Dedrickson & Gr. Steven Greer:
Colonel Ross Dedrickson: We attempted to put a nuclear weapon on the moon and exploded for scientific measurements but it was not acceptable to the extraterrestrials living there.
Gr. Steven Greer: And what happened?
Colonel Ross Dedrickson: They destroyed the weapon, before it got to the moon. The idea of any explosion in space by any earth government was not acceptable by the ET's and that has been demonstrated over and over again.

#TheWorldOfSecrecy, #MichiganStateUniversity #CatherineAustinFitts, #ProjectA119
#ColonelRossDedrickson #ProjectA119 #StudyOfLunarResearchFlights #John Podesta
#DrEdgarMitchell, #Apollo14Astronaut #DrCarolRosin #WernherVonBraun

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