Baby Blue Bamboo 407-777-4807

1 year ago

Baby Blue “ Barbie” 407-777-4807

Scientific name: Bambusa Chungii Barbelletta

Baby Blue bamboo or Barbie bamboo is a beautiful smaller version of Tropical Blue chungii bamboo. Baby blue grows to 25 ft with 1.5 inch canes. The canes are a beautiful pale powdery blue color. This amazing bamboo is cold hardy down to 21 degrees. This bamboo is easy to fall in love with. With the beautiful blue culms this bamboo is an eye catcher. This Baby Blue Bamboo bamboo plant was lit up at night with a twenty dollar solar spotlight from Amazon. #bluebamboo #babyblue #babybluebamboo #coloredbamboo #bluechungii. #bluechungiibarbelletta #teipicalbambooplants #beautifulbambooplants

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