Cookup at home 🏡🔊 23.01.2023

2 years ago

Apologies for the poor audio quality in this video - my Android phone mic is awful, i'll try again with a mic connected or stick to the iPad mini that always works.

I played the chords to this when my friend visited the day before, and hummed the vocal melody while playing in the first clip.

That evening I wrote the lyrics then got to work the following morning on the Surface Pro tablet.

I had the music ready within a few hours and am waiting for my neighbour to finish work before recording the vocals.

I know I cannot sing. I also know that my rapping isn't really up to par with actual talented artists.

This is a demonstration of what I can do for artists or people wanting to create and release a personal song for family and friends.

Music - Lyrics - Recording* - Mixing - Arranging - Release

*Vocal recording at my location or I can come to you. The room does not need to have soundproofing or any special treatment with modern and accurate digital signal processing.

I hope this is a good example of what I can do; this song will be added to my upcoming EP coming out around April 2023.

//ON STUDIO is a selection of studio meets, producer cookups and my own private sessions in one playlist.

//ON BEATS has all of my old music that is now free to use and download for podcast background music. Please email with the requested beat and I will draw up your contract of use. There is no charge for this.

I sell trap beats for tv & radio, and also create and write music for people privately. i am registered with PRS, MCPS, BMI and UTM. i also have a music lawyer in the UK for contracts.

I generally charge £200 for one track. if i am writing lyrics and recording an artist (including mixing and mastering) the cost starts at £450 respectively.

i only use one VST for creating music

//ON BEATS, by Nicholas Lawrence

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