Russia Steps In to Resolve Conflict Between Armenia and Azerbaijan Over Blocked Lachin Corridor

2 years ago

Latest Headlines | "Russia Steps In to Resolve Conflict Between Armenia and Azerbaijan Over Blocked Lachin Corridor" | #shorts #news

Russia has been making efforts to find a solution to the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan, this dispute revolving around a mountain pass which had linked Armenia to Nagorno-Karabakh, a region that is presently under Azerbaijani control, though this area is largely inhabited by people of Armenian descent. This pass, the Lachin corridor, has been blocked since the 12th of December by protesters, who have called themselves environmentalists. The Armenian side has accused Baku of being responsible for this protest.

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#Russia #Armenia #Azerbaijan #NagornoKarabakh #LachinCorridor #EnvironmentalProtests #Baku #ConflictResolution #Descent #MountainPass #Protesters #newstoday

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