UV & Sunlight, Skin Health, Vitamin D, Nitric Oxide, Evolution of Skin Color | Richard Weller | #104

2 years ago

Nick talks to academic dermatologist Dr. Richard Weller about: skin health; benefits & risks of sunlight & UV radiation exposure; nitric oxide, blood pressure & cardiovascular health; vitamin D; sun screen & tanning; the evolution of skin color & skin physiology; and more.

Audio episode, show notes & transcript: [ https://mindandmatter.substack.com/p/benefits-and-risks-of-uv-radiation#details ]

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ABOUT Nick Jikomes:
Nick is a neuroscientist and podcast host. He is currently Director of Science & Innovation at a technology startup in the legal cannabis industry. He received a Ph.D. in Neuroscience from Harvard University and a B.S. in Genetics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

0:05:33 Rochard Weller Conversation

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