"Breaking the Glass Ceiling: How Indian-American Women Outearn White Men"

2 years ago

"Breaking the Glass Ceiling: How Indian-American Women Outearn White Men"

When it comes to the gender pay gap, the conversation often centers around the fact that women earn 79 cents on the dollar compared to men.

But a closer look at the data reveals that the picture is more complex than that. In fact, Indian-American women and Chinese-American women earn more on average than non-Hispanic white men.

So, what accounts for this surprising finding? The answer lies in education. A staggering 72 percent of Indian-Americans have four-year college degrees, and an impressive 40 percent have some professional or graduate degree.

And it's not just Indian-Americans who are highly educated - more than half of Asian-Americans over 25 have a bachelor's degree or higher, compared to only 33 percent of non-Hispanic whites.

This level of educational attainment is a major factor in explaining why Asian-American women outearn white men. When you compare Asian-American women to Asian-American men, who also have high levels of education, the gender pay gap is 78 cents on the dollar.

This is still significant, but it's important to consider that Asian-American men and women have similar levels of education and are therefore in similar job markets.

It's clear that education is a powerful tool for closing the gender pay gap. Indian-American women have broken through the glass ceiling and are proving that with the right qualifications and opportunities, women can achieve equal pay with men.

However, the fight for equal pay is not over for all women, and more work needs to be done to ensure that all women have access to the education and job opportunities they need to succeed.

JB Quinnon

JB Quinnon

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