Black Boy is the name given to King Charles II

2 years ago

Black Boy is the name given to King Charles II. After a quick look online it turns out that the street name Black Boy Lane is the name given to King Charles II and many pubs who supported him were named Black Boy. As such has zero to do with race. So the question is why has the BBC in its article only stated Black Boy was named after a pub but not added the most important part that it was to do with King Charles II. One wonders if this was done to mislead people. One also wonders if those on the left know the connection or not to King Charles II. If not then they are lazy and stupid for backing the name change without bothering to see why it was called Black Boy in the first place. If they know the connection then one must conclude they seek to change the name to create hatred and divisions after all they could not claim it is about race or being racist as they would know it has no connection to anything racist. One also wonders why people have stayed silent about the King Charles II connection rather than just say about it and point out that the sign is most interesting as a bit of history. It is disturbing that people now feel that history should be altered or irradiated like the Nazi people tried to do.

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