Brother Gregory Murray Spends Stolen Funds - Here is Deborah Weiss aka Shaloms Criminal Gang Members

2 years ago

Criminal List - Needs to be investigated for donation fraud, money laundering, racketeering, illegal activities, and tax evasion

Deborah Weiss aka Shalom - New Zealand
Ken Weiss aka Max aka Hubby - New Zealand
Robert Griffith aka Robert Lew - USA
Garry Johnson - Australia
Gregory Murray - USA
Dannette Allen Murray - USA

Family..the families that just put their lives on the line to help expose one of the most evil sinister acts against the Kingdom of Heaven has seen is homeless by the hand of the HalleluYAH Scriptures. These two families love YHWH and need our support. Please help get them a bus so they dont have to live down by the river in a tent. Thank you everyone!

Family, if you can please help 2 precious families get a roof over there heads, these 2 families are worth it. Please help

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