Don't Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr Day #shorts

1 year ago

We as believers in Jesus know that we should be focusing and celebrating the life that Jesus has given us by saving us from our sins through our faith in Jesus that He died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins, had been buried in the tomb for three days, and on the third day rose from the grave overcoming sin and death and is now at the right hand of the Father in Heaven.

It is only through believing in Jesus Christ, who let's us know that He has overcome the world, that we too can overcome the world and anything that will come at us from the world because we would be in the Truth and the Truth (who is Jesus) would be in us by our faith.

Jesus is the Only man that overcame all forms of sin to include racism. By believing in Him and following Jesus then you too will overcome all sin and racism. Following or believing in anyone else will just distract you from overcoming sin and death, put you into deeper bondage, while having you focus on the works and false hope that man gives instead of keeping your hope in the finished work of God found in Jesus Christ who can never make mistakes and never lie or die.

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