Biden Coup Succeeded Where Nixon Coup Failed!!!, 3989

1 year ago

Good evening, I’m still reporting on the coup.

Tucker Carlson is probably the best journalist working in television today. However, occasionally he – like all of us - slips up. During his first segment late last week he opined on things that happened in D.C. regarding President Richard M. Nixon, when Tucker was only 4-years old. Although the errors are few, they are significant, and the record needs to be corrected because it reveals that there was a Nixon coup attempt 50 years earlier. It failed in a way that the current Biden coup has corrected and therefore has succeeded wildly.

Although we may ultimately defeat Biden’s coup, it has wreaked havoc on the United States, where the Nixon coup attempt did not. But understanding how Nixon failed and Biden succeeded is key if the United States is to remain a free country.

Insert Tucker from: “… so what’s notable… to: “… federal classification laws.”

Well, actually, quite a few. There are 4.2 million Americans with security clearances. That’s 1.26% of the population. Most clearance holders understand what’s at stake. Plus, by definition, this cohort of clearance holders is way more patriotic than the general population, and way more important to the preservation of freedom for ourselves and our posterity, as everyone who took a similar life path can attest.

At age 18, I took a year off from college to do a work/study program that was a job with a relatively-unimportant contract CIA project – as an engineering draftsman. But the job did require a SECRET clearance.

At that age, getting a clearance is way easier than if you were age 40. Why? Because there is much less investigation to do. You haven’t lived many places or had that many neighbors for an investigator to go talk to.

Having a clearance has given me an advantage in the reporting I love to do, because I understand how it works and why it’s important. So, I have moved between reporting jobs which don’t require a security clearance; and government contract work, which generally does, my entire life.

Insert Tucker from: “…and yet, it is classified documents….” To: “…help in doing that.”

This was true a few days ago, but now this fast-moving story has taken another turn. Mike Pence has come riding to save Biden from prosecution on a reckless handling of classified materials charge – a charge that was impossible to pin on Trump, no matter how hard they tried. Pence, is attempting to set a new precedent for Vice-Presidents by conveniently having his attorneys discover some classified documents at his home. Yes, this seems to be confirmation that Mike Pence has been working with Biden all along.

However, Tucker’s next point, is right on.

Insert from: “But, allowing the country to be invaded….” To: “Richard Nixon, Richard Nixon.”

I don’t know where Tucker got this from, but I disagree with his interpretation of events. I’ll explain why in a minute.

Insert from: “… yet somehow, without a single vote…” to: “…
17 million more votes that his opponent.”

But that was because who was his opponent? George McGovern – the most leftist, anti-war candidate in American presidential history! In the 1972 presidential election Nixon beat McGovern by a 60.7 to 37.5% margin. Even Democrats were so unenthusiastic for the McGovern candidacy that the voter turnout for that election was down by 5.6%!

It wasn’t that Nixon was so good. He won because McGovern was so blatantly leftist. But even more importantly, Nixon won because his very effective political operatives were able to hide his nefarious activities.

Who was the first president to send Henry Kissinger to China to open diplomatic discussions with the CCP – much to the dismay of the Nationalist Chinese in Taiwan? Good ole Richard Milhouse Nixon.

Who then followed up with the first presidential state visit to China in 1972 opening formal diplomatic relations with communist China? It was Richard Milhouse Nixon.

To the vast majority of the voting populace, Richard Nixon was known as “Tricky Dick”!

But there is so much more to the Nixon coup than you have heard about before.

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