A Christmas Story/Jean Shepherd Tribute Hour 2 of 2 with Host Dr. Bob Hieronimus

2 years ago

Dr. Bob Hieronimus sits down with two more historians on the radio storyteller Jean Shepherd, author of “A Christmas Story”. This is hour two of a two-hour special. Many folks watch the nostalgic movie every year with their family and laugh at the triple-dog-dare story of the tongue freezing to the flagpole, and the pink bunny suit as a present from a distant aunt, and the big prize won by the old man that was the leg lamp. Most people do not realize that the narrator and author of this beloved movie wrote several other books and films that were even better, and hundreds of articles, and all this after a long story-telling career on WOR in New York. Fans of Jean Shepherd remain loyal to this day charmed by his unique style and amazing ability to spin long detailed stories on mundane topics making them the most fascinating thing you heard all day.

Hour two of this two-hour tribute features guest Eugene Bergmann, author of the upcoming book, Excelsior, You Fathead: the Art of Jean Sheppherd, a book to be released in the fall of 2004, which include interviews with the people who worked with Shepherd and others who were influenced by him. Second guest this hour is Max Schmid, talking about Shepherd’s films and radio programs for sale on video and audio cassette, plus Max’s own Old Time Radio program “Mass Backwards”.

This conversation was recorded in 2003. Produced by Hieronimus & Co. for 21st Century Radio®. Edited version provided to Nightlight Radio with permission.

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