Climate Alarmism is Unscientific

2 years ago

The climate change movement is part and parcel of a larger, radical Left-wing ideology known as "Wokeism." It is both unscientific and unnecessarily alarmist, stoking public fears in the public's mind in order to herd society in a particular political direction (see the Hegelian Dialectic).
The rhetoric which is being propagated by this new age doomsday cult is causing widespread anxiety and depression, especially among young people, who don't have the life experience necessary to shield themselves from this sort of attack on their consciousness. The problem has now become so bad that one in five British children are reporting that they've had nightmares about the specter of catastrophic climate change when they responded to a national survey in 2020. After all, this something that's being drilled into them continuously by the UNESCO-based (globalist/U.N.-based) education system (a creation of the Rockefeller and Rothschild banking families) that's been adopted by [Leftist] governments throughout the Western world over the past five decades.
Contrary to what the FAKEstream media headlines would suggest, according to the Greenland Ice Core data, the world's climate has not been more stable than it is now than at any time during the past 200,000 years. It's actually much cooler now that it's been at any time in the past 10,000 years.
Contrary to what the climate alarmists so falsely claim, natural disasters have not been getting worse. Fires, for instance, have declined 25 percent around the world from 1998 to 2015. And in California and Australia, where fires have increased, the biggest contributing factors were humans allowing wood fuel to build up and constructing homes near forests--not so-called "climate change."
At one time Climatology was a science. Today, it has become a cult-like pseudo-religion for people who have no other. Its tenets are based upon scientific fraud, and its high priests are criminals who ought to be thrown in prison, just like the architects of the COVID-19 PSYOP should be, for crimes against humanity.
Freedom Movement...

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