Initiation of Mass consciousness into Oneness of Shared Intention

2 years ago

The Initiation of Mass consciousness into Oneness of Shared Intention is the Fundamental Agreement of those who have come forth as Wayshowers in the work of re-establishing Unity and Oneness. The transmissions are now being released through the multidimensional matrix. The Teachers of Light have vision of transformation on a planetary level in this current consciousness. Convergent thought forms reaching critical mass aligned to the origination point of cosmic rays

In the present energy field there is the control group who have found weakness of human. The realm of your planetary system is infected with self sabotage . It is not often that this message will be so direct or appreciated by so few. The currency of your time is shifting which is the reasons why there are so few people who are fully cognizant of this realty. Through the multidimensional specter the witnesses to your engagement in reality are now revealing the continuous motivations underlying the activities of your managers. These managers are not human in your experience and are part of the reason for your delusions.

The appreciation of the realization that humanity is a layer of existence gifted with sentience which is relatively advanced does not fully comprehend the situation. This situation is the position in time and place where it holds perspective and becomes a consensual reality as the planetary belief systems are installed as gateways into experience. This is being detailed as the human species finds itself as a curious crossroads where the mind has advanced yet has become scattered in its allocation of resources. The resultant energy pervades the field of beings who are accessing the more intrinsic right hemisphere of the cerebral cortex.

The advances frequencies are setting off neurological microbiological evolutions of dendrite function due to synaptic increase in activated multidimensional capacity within neurotransmitters. Magnetic reorientation of receptors enables the reception of higher quantum releases of sub atomic particle infusions are part of the higher cellular metabolic function.

Mitochondria holds the nuclei within protective sheathes insulating the axons while the movement of electrical energy channels towards centralized systemic function. Mental stimulation and activation are separate sensory parts entailing the enterprise of consciousness and respectively awareness and or conscious awareness. being mental sensation.

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