Karen Kingston - Contract for Covid Jab Bioweapon VERY Strange

1 year ago

Jan 24, 2023
Source: www.bitchute.com/video/P9p6dNLsDqDY/

The contracts signed by the U.S. government with Pfizer for the Covid injections are extremely unusual, if not unprecedented, and should be causing Americans to ask serious questions about what is going on with these so-called "vaccines" that are in fact legally a "bioweapon," said former Pfizer employee and bio-pharma industry insider Karen Kingston in this interview on Conversations That Matter with The New American magazine's Alex Newman. Kingston, who has a lot of experience dealing with these sorts of contracts, suggested that there are around a dozen different formulations of the Pfizer injection, at least one of which may have actually been a placebo. Perhaps more importantly, Kingston rejected claims that this was all military run or that those involved in this cannot be held legally accountable. In fact, they must be held accountable for this bioweapon, she said.

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