Out is more important than in (The heart of a man Matthew 15:10-20)

2 years ago

Out is more important than in (The heart of a man Matthew 15:10-20)
One time we were eating at a restaurant and the kids wanted dessert, so we ordered a giant chocolate chip cookie for them. The cookie came with an ice-cold jug of milk like you would buy at a convenience store. Mikey started eating the cookie and took a drink of the milk and said that it tasted funny so instead of looking at the milk or smelling of it I grab it and take a swig. The milk was spoiled; the date was good, it was ice cold, and it looked so good next to that cookie, but it was spoiled. The milk looked good on the surface but what came out of it was anything but good, it was nasty. In the parable that we begin to discuss today, the Pharisees was angry that Jesus’ disciples ate bread before washing their hands which was a no, no in their sect of Judaism because they believe that eating with dirty hands defiled a man. Jesus let them know quickly that it was not what you put in your body that defiles man but instead the actions and words that comes out of man is what defiles him because, they come from heart.
In Matthew 23:27 Jesus said that the Pharisees was like beautiful tombs in a graveyard, all white and pristine, but inside they were full of dead and rotting bones. We can look pretty and clean on the outside but if inside we are rotten or spoiled that is what is going to come out. Jesus said that evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornication, thefts, false witness, and blasphemies all come from the heart within. Therefore, we need a heart transplant (Jeremiah 31:33, Hebrews 8:10), our sinful heart of stone must be replaced with a heart of flesh. Only when God changes our heart can we begin to bring forth fruit of righteousness as the love of God begins to flow from us. So, what is coming out of you? Do you allow your emotions to control your words and actions or is the Holy Spirit of God in control? We do not ask these questions to condemn anyone but instead we ask in the hope that you will realize the true condition of your heart and if you are in good fellowship with God or not. Jesus is the only hope any of have of cleansing our heart and obtain eternal life, so we encourage you to examine your heart and seek the Truth that will set you free.

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