Space to come home

1 year ago

Coming home the experience of returning to one's true nature or awakening in this reality to the truth that our world and its structures are not in alignment with creating a safe space for the decent of higher aspects of our being and the ascent of our lower nature into the higher order of our nature. The exposure to current systems of oppression is merely to bring light upon the systems that oppress our latent souls expression in this space and time. We must awaken that we are not free in the current systems of self appointed tyrannical regimes. This is not for anger or retribution but for awareness so that we may better understand the needs of one another to honor and support the awakening of our consciousness in the times ahead and create structures that are in alignment with our higher expression and for the best outcome of the collective whole. When or whether the systems completely fall is irrelevant it is we the sovereign beings of infinite expression that will create realities that are supportive to ALL OF US COMING HOME INTO THE RECOGNITION THAT WE ARE ONE.

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