Reported as " Pulsating sphere with cube like structure rotating within. "

2 years ago

Mentor , OH, US

Eyewitness Statement:

I looked out the window and saw something bright in the sky and there appeared to be rotating. I went outside to get a closer look and could definitely see a cube rotating within a sphere. I grabbed my cell phone to zoom in and took a video. The object didn't move, just the cube inside pulsated and rotated. I assumed it was a cool satellite but thought it odd that it just sat there. I observed for about 15 min and when nothing changed, I then went to bed.

Source File:


This is likely a star being observed and zoomed in upon. Although I'm typically used to the camera making it appear like a donut artifact. I'd love to have the person investigating this one with the eye witness to find out the cell used to capture this and what else they did to mess with the video file.

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