Heaven Land Devotions - The Eternal Kindness of Jesus Christ

2 years ago

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A couple of mornings ago I was sitting in quiet meditative devotion. My mind began to think of all the acts of kindness I have received through my whole life from many people. Scene after scene like a slide show of those moments in my life flashed up before my minds eye.

I saw myself as a hungry child, a teenager lost, unloved and totally alone. Then more scenes as I grew older of more darkness and destruction. Yet in the midst of it, acts of kindness kept me going, they kept me alive.

Each scene seemed as if they were especially handpicked by the Lord. I saw all the things many people did for me in those acts of kindness that changed my life and gave me hope, and power to go on. All the kind people became like "candles that both defied and defined the great darkness" I walked through.

Have you ever found yourself in a dark pit? Alone and having nothing? Then out of the blue someone showed you kindness in some form that shined the light of God's love upon you? That left you with a deep penetrating knowing that it was God?

I think the people that have suffered the most and have received kindness themselves, are those who will give up their very life for you. When they see you they see themselves.

Jesus Christ gave up His life for us. The greatest act of loving-kindness ever bestowed upon mankind. He uses people, even unbelievers to show His kindness to you, "for all are His servants." Make sure you are always that riverbed of His love that has an outflow of kindness to everyone.

Kindness is a powerful love-rooted healing virtue. Never stop showing kindness no matter what or who it is, and in doing so, you will be ever growing Heavenward in the eternal love of God.

You will become a waterwheel and fountain of His love. "Love never fails," therefore kindness never fails. You will be sowing seeds of eternal light on either sides of the paths of those who walk in darkness, who are sad and ravaged by this world. Never stop sowing seeds of light that lead the way to the Heavenly Jerusalem.

"If souls can suffer alongside, and I hardly know it, because the spirit of discernment is not in me, then I know nothing of Calvary love.” ― Amy Carmichael, If

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