WHO Power Grab a Threat to Our Freedom 😮

2 years ago

WHO Power Grab a Threat to Our Freedom 😮
(Source, EPOCH Times WHO Power Grab)

The WHO, (World Health Organization), is a very powerful organization with about 194 member
states and when WHO speaks, people listen. When WHO decides on a plan of action, the world
changes. WHO has plans to become even more powerful and the changes could be severe.

Last year, Henry I. Miller, a physician and molecular biologist, wrote a stinging piece that took direct aim at the WHO’s “bungled response to the coronavirus.” Miller, like so many others around the world, was particularly disillusioned about the “misplaced trust” WHO placed in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). As many of us no doubt recall, the CCP did its very best to conceal the COVID-19 outbreak that originated in Wuhan, China. Link to Dr. Henry’s article: https://henrymillermd.org/26161/holding-who-accountable

In 2020 President Trump stopped the financial support for WHO and was preparing the US for
withdrawal from the organization until Biden took over and immediately rescinded Trump’s orders,
and reinstated the financial support. The Socialist-Marxists seem to be always trying to diminish
control over our own affairs and hand them over to unelected bureaucrats in other countries. It is
unconstitutional, and dangerous.

WHO is pushing for a worldwide “Pandemic” treaty which if approved would be very dangerous,
giving them vast power over health decisions here in the United States. With a treaty like this what
would stop WHO from saying gun ownership is a health safety threat? Nothing! Florida Senator Rick
Scott recently introduced legislation that would prohibit WHO from unilaterally imposing public health restrictions on the United States and violating our national sovereignty. Scott said: “The WHO’s radical ‘pandemic treaty’ is a dangerous globalist overreach. The United States of America must never give more power to the WHO.”

Washington is broken.
What can you do? 👈

Sign the petition:
https://conventionofstates.com/take_action 💪

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