DAY 13 - 21 Day of Prayer & Fasting – Encouraging yourself In The Lord!

2 years ago


Pro 16:2 People may be pure in their own eyes, but the LORD examines their motives.

Joe 2:12 "Now, therefore," says the LORD, "Turn to Me with all your heart, With fasting, with weeping, and with mourning."
Joe 2:13 So rend your heart, and not your garments; Return to the LORD your God, For He is gracious and merciful, Slow to anger, and of great kindness; And He relents from doing harm.

Jas 4:2 You want what you don’t have, so you scheme and kill to get it. You are jealous of what others have, but you can’t get it, so you fight and wage war to take it away from them. Yet you don’t have what you want because you don’t ask God for it.
Jas 4:3 And even when you ask, you don’t get it because your motives are all wrong—you want only what will give you pleasure.

Gal 5:16 So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves.

Gal 5:25 Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives.

Personal satisfactions, such as taking a vacation or winning a competition, are not wrong in themselves. Motivation becomes an issue when we are not honest with ourselves about why we are doing or choosing things. When we give the outward appearance of obeying God but our hearts are hard and self-centered, God knows. The only way we can operate from pure motives is when we “walk by faith in the Spirit” (Galatians 5:16, 25).

When we allow Him to control every part of us, then our desire will be to please Him and not ourselves. Our flesh constantly clamors to exalt itself, and only when we walk by faith in the Spirit will we not gratify those desires of our flesh.

These verse speaks of the act of checking any part of our motives that is indifferent to the things of Lord God. Any part of our life that we neglect to surrender to Lord God will undermine everything that Lord desires in our life. Invite the Holy Spirit to search and discern all your motives and to examine all your thoughts.

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