GOD'S CALL FOR GLOBAL PRAYER - (The Army of Jesus Christ Battling Spiritual Darkness)

2 years ago

The world is at war, folks, and the war between good and evil is ever-increasingly intensifying. Satan and the demons under him fully well know that if the Bride of Christ ever got consistently, fully committed to world-wide corporate prayer on a regular basis - it would be their most feared threat.

When Christians don't fast and pray against evil corporately on a consistent basis - evil intensifies around this planet. God called His house (Disciples of Jesus Christ) to be "a house of PRAYER." -- not JUST a house of worship and praise, preaching and teaching with the omission of corporate prayer. Consistent individual prayer AND corporate prayer (and HUMBLING fasting) are powerful spiritual weapons God has given to His Church that are essentially worthless if not USED by soldiers of Jesus Christ. Prayerlessness can be likened to trying to fire your rifle at your enemy without having any bullets in your gun. Satan has effectively fogged the minds of way too many Christians in believing that is NOT so.

The Army of God (God's worldwide universal Church of individual born again believers in Christ Jesus) is to be BOTH fearless WARRIORS and worshiping LOVERS ... not just passive lovers. If the Bride of Christ is not willing to fight for her Husband against the evil trying to destroy her Husband's desires ... what Husband would truly want to marry her ... or STAY married to her?

There is more power against evil released (More POWER from God released in angels fighting on our and His behalf) from God when Christians put aside their minor doctrinal differences and unify in the Spirit to pray and fast against evil that is spreading - gaining ground - like a fast-moving cancer.

Probably the single greatest reason the Body of Christ is not engaged in consistent - unified global prayer (with fasting)against evil is because Satan's relentless brainwashing of DOUBT and UNBELIEF against them has been hugely successful when it comes to their asking and trusting God for answers. When Jesus asked the question: "Yet will the Son of Man (Jesus Himself) find faith when He returns?" (See: Luke 18:8) - Seasoned prayer warriors realize He was addressing this very issue of DOUBTING believers who allowed Satan to destroy their FAITH (confident assurance) that prayer really matters all that much. Saints - the intensity in which Satan seeks to destroy our confidence that our self-less prayers MATTER HUGELY to God can be likened to the intensity in which Satan pursued Adam and Eve to sin. Once they sinned ... it granted Satan and his demon followers power over the human race they would never had otherwise.

When a Christian finds little to no "life" in praying to God ... one's passion to actively be used of Him to help reach lost souls grows dimmer and dimmer. Side effects are increased worry, fear, and depression, among other things. POINT? SATAN WANTS TO DO EVERYTHING HE CAN TO FRUSTRATE US IN PRAYER! Prayer is simply having CONVERSATION WITH GOD when you come right down to it. Conversation is necessary to maintain a meaningful marriage. The same applies to God. God wants us NEVER hanging up the phone with Him. Satan DOES! And never underestimate his tenacity in trying to convince you it's a waste of your time.

OBEYING 1 Timothy 2:2 is one of the wisest spiritual disciples a Christian can do on a regular basis. Supernatural protection from God is given and preserved around those who pray against evil. God may not provide that supernatural protection from evil around those who don't understand the wisdom of DOING 1 Timothy 2:2. Frequently engaging in doing 1 Timothy 2:2 is WISDOM, WISDOM, WISDOM.

The call to pray globally is on every Sunday evening - 6:00 p.m.; your time - wherever it is convenient for you to pray - as much as it is possible for believers to pray at that time. How long should a person pray? As long as the Holy Spirit gives unction.

Here is a link that goes a little more in-depth into this topic of unified global prayer: https://www.precious-testimonies.com/exhortations/prayer/city-wide-prayer

A MUST WATCH video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2d5Qw4F3Nlw&t=0s

Please COPY and PASTE the following link everywhere on the Internet: https://www.precious-testimonies.com/exhortations/jesus-did-it/jesus-did-it

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