Learn to Learn (Jesus says "Learn of me") - Part 2 (Baptist Preaching - Ph)

2 years ago

Sunday Afternoon Preaching on the Learning - Part 2 of 2
Jan 22 2023

Learn to Learn
(Jesus says "Learn of me")
Text: Matthew 11:25-30

Objective: to learn to learn
Mat. 9:13 xref: Hosea 6:6
"learn what that meaneth"
repent - meaning in bible context

Chapter context that supports the main theme
1. Offense can confuse learning - vv. 2-6
- "...blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me" (Jesus)
- also, Jn. 14:11 - "believe... for the very work's sake"
2. The Will can interfere against learning - vv. 7-15
- "if ye will receive it"
- Prov. 10:8
3. and they ultimately fall to Folly - the enemy of learning
- "wisdom is justified of her children"
- Prov. 15:1
4. Denial of the Lords mighty works can cause unlearning
- their judgment will be worse that those used as examples (Tyre, Sidon, Sodom)

How then can / should we learn?
1. Recognize that
a. wisdom / learning is from God/Father/Son - vv. 25-27
b. Wisdom and truth that matters can be learned even by the most “simple” - v. 25
2. Learn directly from Him. - v. 29 - "Learn of me"
a. Take His "yoke".
Don't be burdened by the world's standard. the Lord's is easy and light. - vv. 29, 30
b. Let his meekness and lowliness guide you through the learning process. - v. 29
- even on earthly relationships, these guarantee and encourage genuine learning.
3. If the truth is learned, it brings about rest and peace to the learner. - v. 29
- Issues are truly settled this way.


the highest/"most superior", most effective form of learning is learning from the Lord himself

Discerning Word Baptist Church
Banaba San Mateo Rizal


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20230122sunpmLearn2Learn part2Q

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