Divorcee Sam Seder & The Democrat Insurrection (Burlington, VT)

1 year ago

https://cde.ucr.cjis.gov/LATEST/webapp/#/pages/explorer/crime/crime-trend (Vermont & Burlington data)











Burlington, VT homicides 2011-2022 (3, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 3, 1, 2, 1, 0 & 5) = 16

Burlington Homicide Rate 2016-2022 (0, 7.102, 2.331, 4.670, 2.234, 0 & 11.155) = 3.927 per 100,000.

NOTE: When calculating Burlington’s homicide rate, I used the 2021 population figure for 2022 plus the 38 residents it added since 2021 (Census Data).

Burlington has a homicide rate much lower than the national rate, but it is one of VT’s problem areas. Over the past 3 years, since they began shrinking their police department, their homicide rate has run a bit hotter than the 7-year average.

According to the FBI, 2012 - 2021, there were 9 homicide incidents, and 10 offenses reported by the Burlington Police Department. Of the 15 offenders for those heinous crimes, 40% (6) of them were Black & 40% of the victims were black in a county & city that is uber-white.

According to the FBI, 2012-2021, of the 108 homicide offenders where the race of the offender is known, 12.96% (14) of those offenders were Black. Of the 122 homicide victims, 8.19% (10) of the victims were Black.

Vermont is a low homicide jurisdiction overall, but like most states that have a low homicide rate, there are pockets of violence. Iowa has the same issue, but in handful of cities named Des Moines, Fort Dodge, Waterloo, Cedar Rapids & Marshalltown.

Vermont Homicides 2011-2021 (11, 8, 10, 13, 13, 16, 17, 11, 12, 14, 8) = 133 I am NOT including 2022, because the news articles I read are including justifiable homicides in the total & I do not want those.

Vermont homicide rate 2016-2021 (2.2, 2.7, 1.8, 1.8, 2.2 & 1.236) = 1.989 per 100,000

We do need one more year of data for 2023 to determine if Burlington’s spike in murder/non-negligent manslaughter is an outlier or a new normal. However, it is quite odd (and if Democrats are going to autistically-repeat that correlation does not equal causation, then say that exact same thing the next time someone complains about the US’ rising homicide rate over the past few years & the number of guns in this country) that not long after they severely cut the number of police officers there, they saw a spike in murder.

Now for a questionable article by a clown named Katya Schwenk.

Here’s one of the money lines: “Studying crime data is like staring into an inkblot, an amorphous cloud that can be distorted to fit any narrative.”

Will Katya call out Chuck Schumer or the mentally-deficient #AOC the next time they say we have a crime epidemic? We have seen our homicide rate go up substantially 2020-2022, but there are still a boatload of counties http://freewebs.com/professor_enigma/covid-increase-homicides (and I do not intend to cover all this data again, as I would be here for eternity) – ~45% of all counties as recently as 2020-21 had ZERO homicides & almost 23 million folks live there. I estimate in 2016-2017 roughly two-thirds of all counties has <2 homicides.

Again, will Katya Schwenk call out those carnival barkers like the overweight Black Hawk County, Iowa Supervisor Chris Schwartz who say, “We are not safe anywhere”? I doubt she will.

If crime data can be spindled, folded & mutilated to mean whatever you want it to mean then there are a lot of Democrats who have had their entire narrative on gun control demolished.

I do know that the most violent counties in America tend to skew towards the Democrat Party & Black Men tend to kill Black Men at an alarming rate http://freewebs.com/professor_enigma/black-lives-do-not-matter – much higher than any other demographic, period.

That rate is even more pronounced in cities that have a lot of poor black folks that have been run by the Democrat Party for decades (East St. Louis, St. Louis, Flint, Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, Cleveland, Memphis, Camden, Wilmington, etc., etc.)

She brings out that line to try & undermine anyone who says, “see, see, defunding the police has exacerbated our homicide problems.” It has to an extent. Black Lives Matter & their mob has contributed to it as well.

That leads us into the next quote from Schwenk’s article: “But murders are up across Vermont, and indeed, across the country.” But not in every county – there are fewer counties w/ less than two homicides today than 6 years ago & far fewer counties w/ no homicides today than in the 1980s when homicide was a much, much bigger problem than today. Homicides were much more concentrated in the 80s & 90s than they have been in the last 6 or 7 years.

What would she have said in the period 1985-1992 when it was much, much worse? Just blather, “They be up everywhere.” Uh no, they are not.

Burlington is one of the problem cities in Vermont & I would wager it has been for a while. Vermont is uber-white too & just a bit of the picture. Cook County & St. Clair County are the consistent problem areas in Illinois & have been for some time, even though homicide spiked in the Land of Lincoln too.

I found these two statements interesting, here is the first one: “Sarah George, the top prosecutor in Chittenden County, which includes Burlington, is frustrated by the way the issues have been presented in the press, as she emphasized to me recently. George is staunchly reformist, often called one of the most progressive prosecutors in the country, with the typical priorities of her peers: expanding diversion programs and ending cash bail and so forth… “We have, for example, this uptick in people stealing cars,” she told me (this is another highlight of crime coverage in Burlington). “What I see a lot as a prosecutor getting those cases is that people are stealing them to live in them. And—what am I going to do about that? What does accountability look like when someone is stealing a car to live in it?”

And the second statement: “Any power that the trendlines hold is trumped by visceral anecdotes that serve as evidence of some nebulous problem: a split lock, a shattered window, a stabbing in the night, each one the bellwether of something worse. The Times’ reporting on crime in Burlington leads with bicycle thefts, but the article ends with something more sinister: a young man shot execution-style in a park, his distraught girlfriend beside him. Implicit here is the argument that these faceless bike thieves, the subject of the article, will soon, too, become killers, should they be allowed to continue unchecked — that poverty that becomes visible, should it remain seen, will turn into violence.”

If a person steals a car to live in it, they are prosecuted for the same crime as an upper middle class man stealing a car to strip it & make some money. That’s what accountability looks like.

What is the root cause of homelessness, to quote your fat VP? Drugs and/or a lack of a father, which also lead to not finishing school. It’s not always the cause of course, some children turn out just fine despite the fact that they only had one parent active in their life, but what if every child was raised by one parent who was a drug addict vs. every child being raised by two parents who were there every night to tell them, “I love you junior, now finish your homework please & brush your teeth.”

As far as bike thieves, not every bike thief is a murderer, but almost every murderer did not start killing people as their first offense against society.

They likely engaged in some larceny, some vandalism, maybe stole a car or two, aggravated assault & it worked its way up to criminal homicide.

It’s the broken windows policing policy where the police don’t let “small things” slide like vagrancy in front of Fred’s Hardware Store, men blocking the street to clean your windshield, people pissing all over the sidewalk & spray painting the backsides of buildings in the alley.

If you start to let those things slide, it is a slippery slope paved w/ soap.

Nobody is saying that Junior should be put away for 15 years for spray painting “F the Police” on the side of Larry’s Used & Abused Cars, but if you let that go, it will snowball. That pro-active policing is one of the main reasons Rudy Giuliani was able to clean up NYC.

No more squeegee men, no more tolerating spray paint artists, no more peeing on the sidewalk, no more sleeping in front of the restaurant (forgetting about whether you are in favor of “Stop, Question & Frisk”) – eventually NYC became a very safe place.

Does Katya really think there should be no punishment for stealing a bike? There is a cost to that, some kid doesn’t have his bike to do the paper route (even though I am not sure paper boys even exist anymore)?

Stealing a car has a cost, what if Tammy needs it to drop off her & Tommy’s youngest child at daycare before going off to her job selling real estate? Now she cannot drop Junior off & she misses the showing of the house to a prospective buyer.

The article quotes someone saying that it is hard to tell if crime has increased in Burlington since the summer of 2020 when the police had their ranks cut. Well, looking at the homicide numbers 2020-2022 & comparing them to the previous 4 years, the answer is yes.

Here is another questionable quote: “The conundrum was this: despite fearmongering by elites about the imagined impacts of reductions to the immense resources of cops in a country with some of the best-resourced police agencies in the world, no cities had meaningfully defunded their police. This made fearmongering more difficult. Enter: Burlington.”

This means to say if you haven’t completely demolished your police department & replaced them with “whatever” then you have not “meaningfully defunded” it & thus your argument is B.S.

I call B.S. on that as a number of departments (like Seattle, like Portland) have seriously reduced the number of LEOs & they are reaping the rewards of that. It’s akin to saying that because Bill Clinton & Congress did not hike personal income tax rates to the perch they attained under the Carter Administration “The Republicans won” & Clinton-era tax hikes were of null effect.

I should also mention again that this article argues that crime is up everywhere & in almost the same breath says crime statistics are like an ink blot that can be tortured into whatever result you want. Doesn’t make sense, but then again I don’t think many of the authors at the Baffler make much sense.

Their stupidity & bad logic is indeed, baffling.

“And one more quote from the piece: “When a loose coalition of activists and organizers, led by an organization called the Vermont Racial Justice Alliance, launched a campaign for reform in Burlington, they listed a 30 percent reduction in uniformed officers as a key demand. Yet the request was shorthand for a more powerful vision, “an immediate restructuring of the entire public safety apparatus,” reparations, change. The cuts were voted through. Much of the rest was quickly trapped in a bureaucratic snarl of committees, reports, and consultants. The cops left, but nothing took their place; an “assessment” that was intended to suggest alternatives was delayed for more than a year, and then proved decidedly uncreative in scope, critiquing racial disparities in the agency’s policing but recommending that the department partially reverse its cuts and hire more cops—advice the city has been trying to heed. The creation of a limited crisis intervention team staffed by social workers has been promised but has not yet come to fruition… Progressive city councilors have won elections defending the police cuts. The discontent is imported, broadcasted, notching some victories, yes, but yet it has not yet won, and, for now, the cops have not yet returned. Their absence has become a sounding board, a tool, for those interested in preserving the status quo, but it was not meant to be. City leadership promised something new in their absence—not a lukewarm critique by high-paid consultants, not a social worker or two, but a sincere challenge to the institution of policing. For that, we are still waiting.”

Makes me hearken back to something Thomas E. Woods said a few years ago – If you are going to replace the police, I want to hear what you’re going to replace it with before I sign on.

It sounds like Burlington, in typical Progressive fashion (and referring to Democrats in Burlington as “right wing” because they’re only opposed by Regressives would be akin to referring to Hitler as “right wing” because he wasn’t a Communist) just burned the building down (metaphorically speaking) without having any blue prints, without hiring anyone or having any plan to construct a new building. You will reap what you sow Burlington & what you sow, so shall you reap.

In closing, the crime wave in America is largely a Democrat Crime Wave & it has several facets.

One, defund the police/reduce the number of LEOs OR intimidate the police into no pro-active policing in high crime areas. This makes it much harder to apprehend carjackers, purse snatchers, meth dealers & vagrants who assault old ladies because the police won’t be anywhere near the crime scene. They know where the crime is occurring, they need to be there. This also ensures that the next time the fatherless #blacklivesmatter terrorists go on a rampage to intimidate the public into giving them what they want or else –the police will not be there to stop them.

Two, when Kyle Rittenhouse or another good guy w/ a gun goes out & stops the next riot that happens, the Democrats want to jail him for murder. This ensures that the next time the fatherless #blacklivesmatter terrorists go on a rampage to intimidate the public into giving them what they want or else – nobody (including the police) will not be there to stop them.

Three, Soros-backed prosecutors will continue to let violent criminals out of jail so they can go back into society & terrorize the public.

Do you think that CHAZ/CHOP crap that went on for 3 weeks would have lasted more than a few hours in Iowa? If these lunatics tried to cordon off an area in rural Iowa (after driving their in their rusted-out Priuses) do you think the locals would tolerate that?

No, they would not & the County Sheriff would be there very soon to disband it because he knows the locals will do it for him if he doesn’t.

That’s why that crap was able to continue in Seattle for so long, because they have a #blacklivesmatter culture & the stench of racism always fills their nostrils, even if it is their upper lip providing the odor.

It will be interesting to see how it goes in Burlington over the next few years, I personally hope they do this again, so they can be another petri dish demonstrating what happens when you eschew law-and-order for chaos.

Mr. Chairman, I Yield Back

NOTE: Sarah George indeed wants to end cash bail & allow some violent, dangerous people back on the streets https://www.sevendaysvt.com/OffMessage/archives/2020/09/16/states-attorney-sarah-george-to-end-cash-bail-in-chittenden-county https://vtdigger.org/2020/09/17/prosecutor-ends-requests-for-cash-bail-aiming-to-make-justice-system-more-fair/ https://www.vermontpublic.org/vpr-news/2020-09-18/why-chittenden-county-states-attorney-sarah-george-wants-to-end-cash-bail https://www.acluvt.org/en/news/guest-blog-ending-cash-bail-sarah-george This is a YUUUGE problem

My essays on homicide demonstrate that Seattle is having issues because of a reduction of police officers due to demonization & that’s why you won’t see a police officer show up quickly if your car is stolen, provided there are no violent crimes going along w/ that.

Baltimore has seen 60+ more homicides because violent lunatics were not required to serve their full sentences. In Dallas, 1 in 3 murder suspects are being released after posting bail https://www.fox4news.com/news/dallas-violent-crime-bail-murder https://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/editorials/2022/11/21/violent-suspects-released-too-often-in-dallas-county/ and this is particularly alarming: “Other stats are disturbing, as well. According to this sampling, a person arrested in the robbery of a business or of an individual or who had been charged with a weapons violation is more likely to be rearrested and more likely to commit a violent crime while awaiting trial than a person charged with murder.”

So, it’s those who are jailed for offenses inferior to homicide (how many cars does one have to steal before you lock them away for decades & how many aggravated assaults does one have to commit before he gets 25 years?) that are posting an even greater risk.

New York City has seen eye-popping amounts of criminal recidivism because of Soros-backed prosecutors & Minneapolis is seeing increased response times due to their demonization of the police.

Burlington, VT might be on that same road. Sarah George is pushing policies that have turned New York City, San Francisco & Los Angeles from basically safe large cities into a Mad Max wasteland. You made your bed, now sleep in it.


#samseder #majorityreport Stan Seder is afraid to debate my friend James Patrick Holding on The Impossible Faith. https://tektonics.org/lp/nowayjose.php Methinks Stan lacks confidence in that religion degree from a diploma mill #samsederwontdebateJPH

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