How To Break Your Texting Habit With Your Girl

2 years ago

For most of us, it's really easy to fall into the habit of often being in contact with our girlfriend, whether it's phone calls or texting, even when we know that we shouldn't be in contact this often. This could be hours long phone calls or texting conversations, sometimes even daily. While it's nice to be able to talk to our girl so often, it will also eventually ruin the mystery & attraction for her. But if you're already in the habit of texting too much, how do you beak it?

In this Coaching Video a viewer writes in asking how to break his texting habit with his girl. He knows he shouldn't be in contact with her this much, & he realizes that he's too available to her, but he's struggling to break his texting habit & increase her attraction again.
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I'm Erik Peterson, a men's relationship & dating coach, and at Skill of Attraction I provide dating tips & relationship advice, mainly for men, to help facilitate growing & maintaining attraction in their romantic relationships to where it's fun, loving & relatively effortless.

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