London System | King's Indian, Great Defender, Great Endgame

2 years ago

Whewwww what a battle. My brain feels tired. In this game I play the London System against the King's Indian Defense. I thought I had some good ideas going with my h and g pawn pushes, but my opponent really knew what he was doing and was able to lock up the king-side.

In the Game Review it turns out that my only way in is to sacrifice my bishop, and honestly I'm too chicken to do that except in lines that I already know, like the Greek Gift! See if you can calculate how to make it work. Hint: It's not completely winning, there's no checkmate, it ends up with like a +1.5 eval or something. That makes it even harder to spot.

Once my attack floundered, I felt like I was on the back foot for the entire middle game because my king was exposed and his king was totally safe.

FINALLY my opponent made a mistake and I pounced on it. Then we get a very pleasant endgame (for me... it must have been miserable for him haha). I even got a brilliant move.

I hope you enjoy, and I'll see you next time.

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