Rapture - Dream that will make you think

2 years ago

Mr. Aymerick went through a rough time. God had it under control. He knew that Aymerick would be able to handle it. He was ready to see with his own eyes that prophetic angel. Worth listening to and contemplating on your next move.
Salvation Prayer. Repeat with your casual voice, and mean every word.
"I accept you Lord Jesus as my saviour. I confess that You, Jesus Christ, are in my life. I believe You have risen from the dead. I repent and turn from my wicked ways. You shed Your blood on the cross for my sins. I have been a sinner, and I recognize I can't save myself. Lord Jesus, I trust in you right now to save me from all hellfire and, above all, take me into your Heavenly Kingdom. Thank you for my salvation, Lord. I want the best I can have from You, in your precious name, Amen."
Here are interesting links. All these watchers use different ways, and the end result is the same.
Here is the link to our website: www.a-c-s-t.net
Link to Aymerick Sroka's YouTube French Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68tX2JUrT1E&list=WL&index=4&t=53s&ab_channel=AymerickSroka-LaVoixProph%C3%A9tique
Link to French and English side by side: https://a-c-s-t.net/ Rapture Dream/French English side by side.ocdt
https://a-c-t-s.net/endtimegod/ and go down the page until you read, "This is not the transcript but all the wrath of God during the tribulation. These are in the Book of Revelation. "

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