Anti-Vaxxers Have Emerged As Winners-Brace Yourself For Next Round From Globalist-NTEB-JAN 23 2023

1 year ago


We all watched as the global elites, oozing smugness and superiority, rolled out an untested and unproven piece of mRNA gene editing technology they loosely referred to as a 'vaccine', instantly declaring it to be the savior of humanity. But facts as stubborn things, and as time marched forward, nearly every claim made for said vaccine dissolved like pixies dancing in the sunlight. The vaccine did not prevent transmission, did not keep people out of the hospital and did not prevent death from COVID. The anti-vaxxers were right all along., but you might want to hold off on that victory lap. The global elites are already preparing the next round of warfare.

"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:32 (KJB)

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, the World Economic Forum at Davos has just concluded, and we have many takeaway from that for you today, not the least of which was their call for a new vaccine to be connected to digital identification. Climate Change has officially emerged as a religion, and like all religions requires their adherents to be sacrificed on the altar of the 'greater good'. Yes, they are coming for your gas stove, your gas vehicles, and anything else that does not fit Agenda 2030 of the United Nations. Those of us that refused the government injection in 2021 are very happy in 2023 that we did that, but brace yourselves. The global elites have no shortage of time or money, and they will not rest until we are enslaved. On this episode of the Prophecy News Podcast, we show you what the elites have planned next.

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