Health Foundations & Toxins - Secret #2 to Become a Holistic Healer

2 years ago

Healers need to know foundational holistic health principles, and also need to identify common toxins that pose threats to our health in THIS day and age. It sounds basic, yet sadly, most medical doctors, nurses, and other medical workers are ignorant of this foundational knowledge.

The medical workers that DO know about them learned about them through OWN study, because the medical schools do NOT teach them. Why? Because we have a sick-care system, NOT a health-care system. Modern medicine makes no money when we are healthy, so they don’t teach medical workers how to keep people healthy. They teach them how to profit off their sickness, and never really heal the root cause, but give them surface-solutions for their symptoms.

Did you know that the word “doctor” comes from the same root word that the word “doctrine” comes from? They look similar because they are. Historically, doctor means “teacher”, and a “doctrine” is a “teaching.” A medical doctor is SUPPOSED to be so knowledgeable in their field that they are now qualified to teach people about healing and how to be healthy. Sadly, doctors have very little time to teach their patients anything. They barely have time for a quick and often faulty diagnosis, and to write a prescription for a drug that will most likely cause side effects in the long run that are worst than the original symptoms they were supposed to mask.

What kind of holistic health foundations am I talking about? Things like: how to use water for healing, bowel cleansing, sunshine, and other things that are extremely powerful, but yet so many take for granted.

And what kind of toxins do we need to be aware of today that most medical workers don’t know about? Things like chemicals in our water, in the air, in our food supply, in the every day items we use for body care and house cleaning, etc., and yes, even in our “medicine.” Iatrogenic errors are the third leading cause of death in America - these are the side effects of correctly and incorrectly prescribed medical treatments.

People often come to me asking, “What kind of herb(s) can I use for XYZ?” I tell them it doesn’t work that way. If I simply gave you an herb or herbal formula, and you took it, but you didn’t address some basic things that you are doing that are actually causing your pain and sickness, then I would be doing you a disservice. Holistic healing means looking at the WHOLE you - not just your symptoms, but your lifestyle, your diet, your environment, your relationships, your stress levels, etc.

This is what most medical workers don’t get. But this is what we teach our students how to do at

As Thomas Edison said, “The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

DOCTORS are supposed to be TEACHERS of health and healing. That’s what we train our students to be.

So to recap what we’ve learned so far:

Secret #1: You need to know WHO the top healers are, and learn from THEM, not simply learn what’s “accepted” because what’s accepted is usually outdated, ineffective, and was originally accepted because it profits the medical industry, not the patient.

Secret #2 You need to know the foundations of holistic health, and also how to avoid common toxins that we face in our world today. Applying nutritional, herbal, or other holistic remedies without understanding the foundational principles is like filling your tire with air without first patching up the holes.

Stay tuned for secret #3, coming to your way at an email near you.

In case you haven't downloaded the checklist for "The 8 Secrets to Becoming a Holistic Healer," here is the link:

​May the Creator continually grant you and your loved ones complete, holistic health & healing of mind, body, and spirit.

May He use YOU to become an instrument of that health and healing.

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