Moderna Trial Member Olivia Teseniar share her vaccine injury story-Del Bigtree(1)

1 year ago

Olivia shares her story with Del Bigtree. She entered the Moderna phase 3 trial, and she had severe shoulder pain both first and 3rd shots, she eventually had to have surgery to repair it. it was doctumented as T50.759.s which is adverse reaction to the vaccine, even though moderna promised to cover any cost of such reactions they never did, after the surgery She had discolored large lymph nodes removed, and then suffered full body rashes which was diagnosed as T cell lymphoma. The doctors told her that it was a slow moving cancer. But her case it advanced into the blood right away. She says in Moderna's Emergency Use authoriazation application to the FDA, her adverse reaction is never revealed in it. It is in the Vaers Database.

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