Internet 1993 Launch and "The Mark"

2 years ago

The 666 Beast system is The internet system at its core.

The free market system for your Convenience, knowledge, Entertainment, Distraction, Money, Greed, Consuming, Coveting, will and is being used to Enslave you in every aspect of your daily life.

2008 Bitcoin launched.

Cyrpto. Blockchain. Created by the Elite to begin with. A free market Capitalist tool for over a decade (Winners and losers) to then be taken back by its creators to enslave Billions of people with CBDC Digital identity systems of ultimate control to "Buy and Sell". COMMERCE on a Global scale.

It all started with Nero and the tower of Babel.

Old testament King James Bible.

One Language, One people, No borders, No limit to knowledge, Man becomes his own god and follows the plan of Lucifer, The Devil, Satan, The Dragon.

BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA and the elite who do his bidding, his will on the earth to bring us ALL into a New World Order. Novus Ordo Seclorum.

"New Order of the Ages"

Order out of Chaos.

1993 The Internet Born. The 666 System.
(The Number of his name.)

Released to the Masses in the Public Domian.

Unicode Character No (U+2116)

HTML Entity: #8470 - #2116

Obama's 70th Year = 2031.

Internets 38th Year = 2031.

Google: 38 Dead. Watch Videos. It's a big story the number 38 everyday on your television.

38 Years of the internet. 2031.

Christine Lagarde speech 15th January 2014.
Press club Washington DC. "Magic 7" speech.


The Symbol # Meaning.

Tag: Meaning.

Mark: Meaning.

HTML: Hypertext Markup Language.

HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol.

Texting is a replacement for letter writing ball point pen, Pencil, a artificial, virtual world, devoid of human interaction, a replacement of traditional forms of communications. Texting is not benevolent but rather malevolent in nature. It leads the user, the consumer to other things sold as convenience and Entertaiment. Entrapment, enslavement, servitude. The digitization of everything we do in the natural world that is monitored and will be controlled.

Images: 4K Tv then we jumped to 8K tv's.

Image of the Beast Man. Obama born 4.8.


AI running algorithms. The beast machine is taking over.

At the sacrifice of morality, individuality, freedom of choice and conscience.

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