2 years ago

It would seem that, according to Gavin Newsom and Joe Biden, that all mass shootings are not equal. How else do you explain how this mass casualty event in SoCal garnishes sympathetic statements from the both of them with our former Vice President even placing flags at half staff, but absolutely no mention from either of them about the 30 shot (7 fatally) across Chicago during the same weekend as this monstrous act? The truth is I know they could care less about 10 dead 💀 in Monterey Park because they don’t care about 7 dead in Chicago. In fact, their goal is to create more victims as they advocate for the destruction of our second amendment while at the same time their recidivism obliterates the pursuit of happiness in the cities and/or states they were elected to protect. Gavin Newsom and Joe Biden are not good men so I guess it would be too much to expect them to be good leaders. The only mass shootings that matter to these degenerates are the mass shootings that can be utilized to solidify their stranglehold on liberty. Unlike them and their brethren my compassion is not dependent upon ethnicity, gender, sexual preference or economic status. Unlike Gavin Newsom and Joe Biden I actually care about life. All they care about is what they have determined life owes them and if the path to their domination is paved with the carcasses of the innocent, so be it.




ON PODCAST: https://anchor.fm/lightbulbinitiative/episodes/EPISODE-9-MONTEREY-PARK--CALIFORNIA-MASS-SHOOTING-e1tte8u

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