13. Mastering Marriage & Motherhood In A Degenerate Age with Colleen Hulse

2 years ago

This week on the Elliott Hulse Podcast, Uncle Yo welcomes his first female guest, his wife, Colleen Hulse. Married for 20 years, the Hulse's talk about what has kept them together, what people get wrong with relationships, and the different solutions to some of the most common pitfalls. Men can become derelict in their duties in relationships, leading to women taking the reins and becoming almost mother figures in relationships.

Elliott and Colleen discuss why men should assume their responsibilities, including providing for and protecting their wives. And also how this allows them to become the leader in the relationship as described in the biblical perspective of family.

In this episode:
- General understanding of the roles and responsibilities in a marriage.
- The influence of modern feminism
- Reflections on growing up with negative experiences of the Church and how a strong faith benefits marriages
- The benefits of childbirth and embracing motherhood, breastfeeding, natural birth, and homeschooling
- How to set boundaries and protect children from indoctrination while also allowing them to develop their aspirations
- Serving your family as a couple and finding fulfillment in marriage

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Meet Elliott Hulse http://www.elliotthulse.com

There Is A WAR On Masculinity: https://www.makemenstrongagain.com/

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elliotthulse/

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