Pokemon Let's go Eevee Episode 2

2 years ago

Streamed on 01/05/23 on Twitch.TV
My Character:Sonic

The shiny hunts are a huge struggle everybody. I tried real hard for another shiny pokemon, but no luck. Hopefully in the next part progress will be made.

This is also a collab playthrough with my friend MrXionPetra92 and we're doing a challenge where we catch a shiny after each gym badge.
Please go and show him some support on his channels they will be in the description down below

Ways you can support the content are: 1. Liking the video, subscribing to the channel, commenting. 2. Share the video on social media. 3.Follow & Subscribe to my twitch channel 4. Follow me on all social medias 5.Follow me on Rumble 6. Follow me on Locals 7. Tip and/or become a supporter on my Locals I have a donation link in the description to that Locals post
Any support is greatly appreciated and thank you all for being awesome


Donation Link: https://sonicexe700nj.locals.com/upost/3270265/donations-for-the-content



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