What Happens When I Become a Journeyman? Things to Think About.

1 year ago

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For most of us electricians, there comes a time when we are no longer considered an apprentice. This comes around after we have had 4 long years in the trade, and then signed up for and passed our Journeyman’s exam. WOO HOO! Now what?? In today’s episode of Electrician U, Dustin talks about some of the downsides about becoming a journeyman electrician.

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The moment you pass your exam, you are considered a Journeyman Electrician and things change. Instantly! You are now looked at as a moneymaker, no longer an apprentice whom just costs the company money. You are the one sent out to projects now and expected to return profits to the company. And with this comes responsibility. The job you are in charge of is now YOURS. And by YOURS, I mean good or bad. If things go right- atta boy! But if things go wrong, even if YOU didn’t specifically do the wrong doing yourself, its your fault! You will be expected to manage your teams performance. A tip- take ownership. Recognize that your team is not going to accomplish everything perfectly and will make mistakes. Replace the term “I” in your vocabulary with the term “WE”. If mistakes are made, just correct mistakes, teach the proper way to do it with your team, learn from it, and then move on to the next action.
Another downside to being a Journeyman, is the fact that you cant seem to get YOUR work tasks done! You are constantly having to answer others questions and the task you are working on, once again, goes unfinished! Your boss/GC will call wanting answers on something or an apprentice will have questions they need you to answer/something they need you to see. While frustrating, it helps to understand that your company is no longer paying you JUST to put in the work, they are also paying you to manage the job and make sure that your SUBORDINATES are putting in the work! Once you receive that Journeyman’s card, you are now expected to be a teacher. It is your responsibility to teach the newer electricians how to install their work.
Your employer/customer no longer wants (or generally won’t accept) the “I don’t know or I don’t understand” mentality. You are expected to be faced with problems/issues and either have or have the ability to go out and find the answers! And remember earlier when we said everything is on you? That includes the going back to correct a situation on a job. Even if you just got home after a super long day with an hour and a half commute. For instance, if a panel cover was left off in a customers home, and the customer calls and complains about it, you are expected to jump right back in the truck, drive back out there, correct the deficiency, and then drive back home! You are expected to care more. Be more dependable and knowledgeable. Get to work early to make sure the work got done as you explained it and stay late to verify that it did get done properly as well as to get prepped for the next days work.
Remember that once you receive that Journeyman’s Card, you are expected to be a leader. Which means that the electricians underneath you will be looking to you for direction. They will mimic what you say and what you do. You will be looked at as an example, so make sure it’s a positive one! If you preach safety to your team(s), make sure that when YOU are working, that you are doing it in the same safe fashion you expect from your teams. Quickest way to earn disrespect among your team is to have a do as I say, not as I do mentality!
We hope this has been helpful in recognizing some of the downfalls/challenges to being a Journeyman Electrician. Do you have any to add? Leave a comment in the comments section and let us know. Is there a topic you would like to see discussed on Electrician U? again, leave a comment in the comments section and perhaps Dustin will make a video on it. Please continue to follow Dustin and Electrician U as we are constantly updating our content to assist our followers in becoming the best electricians that they can be.

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