"I got the 'vaccine', but now I'm injured"

1 year ago

This montage of covid vaccine injured is just a miniscule example of the catastrophic damage these poisonous potions have inflicted upon humanity.

With a now known 1 in 800 serious adverse reaction statistic, and with billions of doses of this goop having been given to billions of people across the world - how many have been killed and injured??? And still the mainstream media are silent.

One has to be in serious denial now if one thinks there's no problem here:

- More than 2000 excess deaths per week in the UK and rising, with the same phenomena happening in all other vaxxed countries

- People dying suddenly who were otherwise perfectly healthy.

- Professional sports stars having heart attacks left right and centre

- Thousands and thousands of serious adverse reactions

- Heads of health organisations saying the jabs are 'Safe and Effective'

- Thousands of other renowned doctors and physicians saying there's a problem and calling for a halt to the programme

- Silence from the mainstream media on the matter

What does all that add up to???
I call it a massive crime against humanity - and one that requires immediate attention and the full weight of justice applied to all those involved.

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