I Used To Weigh 375lbs - Now I'm Half The Size | BRAND NEW ME

2 years ago

CLAIREABELLE, from New Zealand, battled with eating disorders growing up. From a very young age, she struggled with binge eating disorder and was subjected to bullying at school: "There was a group of boys that used to call me 'Bigfoot' and 'beached whale' so that contributed to how I dealt with my emotions." When Claireabelle was 16 she began to suffer from bulimia and her weight soon spiralled out of control. At her heaviest, she was 375lbs. After seeking medical intervention, in April 2020, Claireabelle had gastric sleeve surgery to help her lose weight and limit her bingeing. However, the surgery ran into complications and Claireabelle faced further surgeries and a painful recovery period. The ordeal was a turning point for her, as she realised that she needed to regain some control over her health. Claireabelle has since committed to restoring her mental and physical health through healthy routines. She has lost almost 200lbs in total and although she still has days where she struggles with her body image, Claireabelle now has a completely new lease of life: "My self-love and everything has come so far, I know my worth now."

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