CROWDER ULTIMATUM to the DW - Is he the Messiah or a very naughty Boy?

2 years ago

Steven Crowder issues an ULTIMATUM to Big Conservative Media, specifically the Daily Wire. Take clauses out of your contracts or else! Is Crowder on a mission from God? Or is he making a goose of himself? Strap yourself in and enjoy the ride!

Crowder vid1:
Daily Wire:
Crowder vid2:

This fracas came out of nowhere. Surprising? Absolutely. Crowder has raised some important issues. But has he gone about it the right way? All will be good if level heads prevail.

This offering is intended to call out some nonsense and to have a bit of fun along the way.

As per the co-CEO of the Daily Wire, I encourage people to register on the website and to support Crowder. Mad respect for Jeremy Boreing's leadership.

Also, check out Brett Cooper's Instagram Post on her contract journey.
(Link copied from her Twitter feed.)

Remember to follow the White Pilled Rabbit and subscribe.

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