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2 years ago

The Logical Indian

No, Nasa Did Not Admit That It Consults The Hindu Panchang For Predicting Solar Eclipses; Viral Claim Is Misleading
Image Credit: Pixabay, Unsplash, Facebook/Amit Azad

The Logical Indian Crew
No, Nasa Did Not Admit That It Consults The Hindu Panchang For Predicting Solar Eclipses; Viral Claim Is Misleading
Jakir Hassan
Writer: Jakir Hassan
India, 10 Dec 2022 9:54 AM GMT
Editor : Bharat Nayak
Creatives : Jakir Hassan
A claim is going viral across social media alleging that the US space agency NASA has accepted that credible information regarding solar eclipses can only be obtained from the Hindu calendar Panchang. The Logical Indian Fact-Check team found that the claim originated from a satirical news website.
A claim is going viral across social media alleging that the US space agency NASA has accepted that credible information regarding solar eclipses can only be obtained from the Hindu calendar Panchang. The US space agency has been the center of a series of misleading claims about climate change and astronomy.

The claim reads, "After spending Rs 120 crores and changing their opinions three times, NASA accepted that accurate information about the solar eclipse is contained in Indian Panchang".

The claim is viral on social media.

Fact Check:
The Logical Indian fact-check team verified the viral claim and found it misleading. The claim spread via a satirical news website.

We conducted a keyword search with the same keywords and came across posts on Twitter from April 2018, which indicated that the claim has been viral in the past.

We then conducted a keyword search regarding how NASA predicts solar eclipses. We came across a report on a NASA website dedicated to the Solar System, briefly noting how scientists predict solar eclipses.

The NASA report noted that astronomers must first work out the geometry and mechanics of how Earth and the Moon orbit around the Sun. These astronomers determine the impact of influences of the gravitational fields of these three bodies in their calculations.

Using Newton's laws of motion, scientists use mathematical equations to understand the motions of these celestial bodies in three-dimensional space.

Scientists then enter the current positions and speeds of Earth and the Moon into complex equations and then set a computer program to "integrate" these equations forward or backward in time to calculate the relative positions of the Moon and Sun as seen from the vantage point of Earth.

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