technology will have a mind way better than yours

1 year ago

yes i am wearing my seatbelt right now but don't worry, i'm not wearing it right
acceptance (for right now)
why we don't trust technology
am i the only one that thought this one thru
as long as we keep recording
purging is so amazing
exceptional piano punk doesn't mean shit
update: i deleted a lot of it
so my friend was doin this comedy set last night, totally killed it
his best set was about his dad who is apparently in a state of psychosis
dude fooled shrinks, police and the SWAT team
a very self-aware paranoid schizophrenic
so entertained by "delusional" people
outsmarted a whole slew of "authority" figures
other comics are scared of me (all dudes haha no ballsack)
if i were another person i'd wanna have sex w/ me too
specifically talking about joey goodsong best comic in the scene, yes i put him above myself
he's the only one who can do self-deprecating humor
they shouldn't be up there
if you dunno who you are the LAST thing you need is a microphone
social media is a microphone for EVERYONE in their twenties
strong suggestion: wait until you're 29 to do standup (we started after we turned 30)
stronger personality not just life experience
the rules don't apply anymore cos nobody knows what anything is
genZ ain't afraid to piss people off and take risks
the other generations are too concerned about sounding woke or whatever
i really hate what i do, i think it's absolutely terrible
i wish i did sumin better
sex pistols: never mind mind the bollocks
we're early??? WEIRD!
did i just shat myself...we are never early
never mfing early, always mfing late
i didn't even look at my notes
relying on myself+keyboard last night, well...i think it was pretty terrible but it was still fun haha
i've been doin this for too long to still be hindered by whatever this thing is
i must use that hindrance to my advantage
i fucked off last night
it's entertaining for them but i am still disappointed in myself
not concerned about image (this is probably blatantly obvious)
yep, still sportin the fruit sticker
people are so lost, man
i am scaring people more often than not hahaha, trying to make a case for schizophrenia and sucking at this task
the real delusion is the world
fooling psychiatrists, yeah i did that shit too haha

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