RED RIBBON AWARENESS, 1 in leather feather earrings pair

2 years ago

RED RIBBON AWARENESS, 1 in leather feather earrings (pair)
Awareness ribbons are a nice way to bring awareness to a cause that has significant meaning to us. With heart disease on the rise as well as other heart issues - these are a great way to show support. Red ribbons represent awareness for Cardiovascular Disease (recognized in February), Congestive Heart Failure (recognized in February), DARE Awareness (recognized in April), Diamond-Blackfan Anemia, Driving Under the Influence (DUI) (recognized in April), Drug Abuse Resistance Education (recognized in April), Evans Syndrome (recognized in February), Hemophilia Awareness (recognized in March), Heart Disease (recognized in February), High Blood Pressure (recognized in May), Inhalant Abuse (recognized in March), MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) (recognized in April), Marfan Syndrome (recognized in February), Sniffing Abuse (recognized in March), Substance Abuse (recognized in April), Supraventricular Tachycardia (recognized in May), Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura, Tuberculosis (recognized in March), Von Willebrand's Disease (recognized in March), Wolf-Parkinson-White (recognized in February), and many more.
Check these out at:
Remember 10% of all sale are donated to a good cause!

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