[Event Story] The Exquisite Night Chimes Part 2 - A Single Harmony for an Irreplaceable Soul

2 years ago

[Event Story] The Exquisite Night Chimes Part 2 - A Single Harmony for an Irreplaceable Soul

00:07 Wait until the appointed time (08:00 – 10:00 two days later)
01:19 Head to Yujing Terrace and talk to Ganyu
07:28 Go to Mt. Aocang
10:20 Swim to the center of the pool
16:07 Follow Shenhe to her cultivation place
25:31 Head to the designated location
33:01 [Event Cutscene] Echoes of the Heart : https://youtu.be/OClXN-SJNPQ
47:06 Return to Liyue Harbor and talk to Madame Ping
58:38 Talk to Dvorak
1:05:24 Go to Wangsheng Funeral Parlor
1:12:09 Go to Mt. Hulao
1:17:23 Return to Liyue Harbor
1:17:44 [Event Cutscene] A Brilliant Banquet of Music : https://youtu.be/WI341j1A7ss
- [Event Cutscene] "The Blaze Lilies!" by Hu Tao and Xinyan : https://youtu.be/Ch7NGExQOuE

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