👮‍♀️is HIGH as ——‼️ Kansas City, Ks Officer Under the Influence⁉️👀

1 year ago

This video was brought to my attention by a viewer. The responses to record requests to Kansas CPost paint the picture of a senior patrol officer under the influence of narcotics.
Another person who viewed this said Shepherd could be a "high functioning autistic". I doubt that for a number of reasons, chief of which is the accusation of impairment should have brought out the explanation of his condition, or at least a mention of it being the cause of suspicion.
Officer Young did not attempt to deny the suspicion and requested a sergeant. I wonder if this is indicative of a man that was in a tough position at work and the citizen saved him from having to be a snitch. If not, he’s creating a huge risk to not only the department, the city and himself, but to everyone around him and his partner.

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Are you a KCK resident concerned about police showing up to your door "high as @#*&"?
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If you choose to call the PIO Desk, please be respectful. The person you'll be talking to is not the cop in the video.

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